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British Royalty Portraits
House of Stuart Restored
House of Stuart Restored
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Carolus Secundus D:G:Magnæ Britaniæ, France Et Hiberniæ Rex
James Clark
Le tres puissant et tres: illustre Prince Charles
Carolus Stuart de II. de Koninck van England, Scotland en Yrland.
Christiaan Hagen after Pieter Nason
The true Portraicture of the Infanta Dona Catharina sister to Don Alfonso present King of Portugal
Catharina D:G: Mag: Brit: Fra: et Hib: Regina Filia Joannis III Reg: Portug: &c.
John Smith after Jacob Huysmans
Catharina König Earls II in Engeland, Bemahlin Königs Johanis IV in Portugal Tochte
Cornelius Nicholas Schurtz
[Portrait of King Charles II as the Prince of Wales when a child]
Wallerant Vaillant after Anthony van Dyck
The Statue of King Charles II at the Entrance of Cornhill
Copper engraving
Charles II addressing the States General, the members seated
Theodor Matham after Jacob Toorenvliet
Charles II addressing the States General, the members all standing
Theodor Matham
[Catherine of Braganza]
Samuel Freeman after Peter Lely
Carolvs II. D.G: Magnae Britanniae FRA et Hibernia Rex etc. nalius Ao 1630
Wenceslaus Hollar after Anthony van Dyck
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