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Attack on, and Destruction of, Part of the Pirate Squadron of Shap-ng-Tsai, in the Gulf of Tonkin, on the 21st. of October, 1849.
after Dr. Edward Hodges Cree
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Destruction of the Pirate Squadron Commanded by Chui Apoo, in Byas Bay, China, 1st. October, 1849.
after Dr. Edward Hodges Cree
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An English Sea Port.
Samuel Smith after Jean-Baptiste Pillement
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The Siege of Sebastopol, by the Allied Fleets.
Armstrong after Le Grand
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This representation of the distressed situation of his Majesty's ship Ulysses, John Thomas Esq. Commander, when Dismasted in the Hurricane, August 1st 1781, and narrowly escaped being Wrecked on the South side of Jamaica
Valentine Green after William Elliott
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A Yacht in a Light Breeze with a View of Harwich
John Heaviside Clark and J R Hamble after Dominic Serres
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Capture of The Argus, August 14th 1813
Thomas Surtherland after Thomas Whitecombe
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The Wreck of the Titanic Descriptive Musical Sketch for the Piano
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"Arrow", 117 Tons; Winning the Cutter Race at the Royal Cinque Ports Yacht Club Regatta, at Dover, June 24th 1876.
Thomas Goldsworthy Dutton after Josiah Taylor
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Sir Robert Calder's Action, July 22nd 1805
T.Surtherland after T.Whitecombe
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Destroyer Flotilla
William Lionel Wyllie
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H.M.S President
William Lionel Wyllie
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