An Accurate Map of Berkshire Divided into its Hundreds Drawn from the Best Authorities assisted by Surveys and most approved Maps....

Method Copper engraved with hand colour
Artist Bowen, Emanuel
Published Printed for Carrington Bowles in St. Pauls Church yard, John Bowles in Cornhill and R. Sayer at the Golden Byck in Fleet Street London 1756.
Dimensions 538 x 700 mm
Notes From The Large English Atlas.

Bowen, Emmanuel (c.1693/1694-1767) One of the leading 18th-century map and printsellers and engravers in London. Appointed Engraver of maps to George II of England and possibly Louis XV of France. His apprentices included Thomas Kitchin and Thomas Jeffreys. Collaborated with other map makers of his tie, including the Bowles family and John Owen.
Framing unmounted
Price £450.00 On sale: £360.00
Stock ID 34497
