Edward V

Method Copper engraving
Artist Worthington
Published Oublished by W.Pickering 31 Lincolns Inn Fields 1822
Dimensions Image 110 x 85 mm
Notes Edward V (4 November 1470 – 1483?) was the King of England from 9 April 1483 until his deposition two months later. His reign was dominated by the influence of his uncle Richard, Duke of Gloucester, who succeeded him as Richard III. Along with his younger brother Richard of Shrewsbury, Edward was one of the Princes in the Tower, who were never seen alive after being sent (ostensibly for their own safety) to the Tower of London. Richard III has been widely blamed for their deaths, though it is not certain that he was responsible for them.
Framing unmounted
Price £15.00 On sale: £12.00
Stock ID 13820
