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From Natural History of British Insects by Edward Donovan (1768 – 1837). Edward Donovan was a traveler and amateur naturalist. Born in Cork, Ireland, Donovan was the founder of the London Museum and Institute of Natural History, which contained his extensive natural history collection. These beautifully engraved and hand colored engravings are from his 'Natural History of British Insects', the full title of which is "The Natural History of British Insects: Explaining Them in Their Several States, With The Periods of Their Transformations, Their Food, Oeconomy etc. Together With the History of Such Minute Insects As Require Investigation By The Microscope". He further wrote that all the figures were designed and executed from living specimen. Various volumes were published between 1792-1813. Donovan was believed to possess a considerable fortune. He traveled through England and Wales and published an account of his travels with accompanying engravings from his own sketches. After amassing an extensive collection, he founded the London Museum, admitting the public for free. His money evaporated, however, and he publicly blamed the booksellers and publishers who retained rights over his literary works. After attempting for many years to bring his case to court, he died impoverished