Plan du combat de Salamine , Pour le Voyage du Jeune Anarcharsis. Par M. Barbie du Bocage.

Method Copper engraving
Artist Godin, Henri-Joseph
Published Mai 1785
Dimensions 210 x 392 mm
Notes Plan of the naval battle of Salamis, 480 BC, in which the Greeks under Thermistocles defeated the Persians Zerxas. Today called Kolouri, a coastal town near Athens.

The Recueil de Cartes Geographiques Plans, Vues, et Medailles de l'Ancienne Grece, Reelatifs au Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis was an atlas published by the Paris booksellers, printmakers, and engravers Jean Denis Barbie du Bocage to accompany Jean-Jacques Barthelemy's Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grèce dans le milieu du IVe siècle. The Voyage du jeune Anacharsis was an unusual work. Written as a sort of general guidebook to the cities, customs, and culture of classical Greece, it purported to be the work of the grandson of the Scythian philosopher Anacharsis, documenting his travels in Greece during the 4th century BC. This clever literary conceit allowed the real author, Barthelemy, to explore the history and society of Classical Greece in a manner that was informative, yet informal, aiming to appeal to a much broader audience than a traditional academic history. Barthelemy was a talented antiquarian, particularly in regards to the study of ancient numismatics, and although the content of his work contains numerous historical flaws, the Voyage du jeune Anacharsis was a huge success, appearing in numerous editions and reprints. Sadly Barthelemy received very little from his success, his aristocratic background marking him as a target for the Revolutionary government, who confiscated most of his wealth. Despite his economic hardships, the general public continued to hold him in high esteem, and the demand for his material on ancient Greece was the main motivation behind the publication in 1788 of the accompanying Atlas to the Voyage. The first edition of Barbie's Recueil contained 31 plates related to Barthelemy's text, including maps of cities and territories, plans of battles, religious sanctuaries, and public spaces, and illustrations of temples, theatres, and even coins.

Henri-Joseph Godin (1747-1834) was a French painter, engraver, and printmaker. He worked on maps for a number of atlases, as well as portraits, architectural plans, and antiquarian subjects.
Framing unmounted
Price £40.00 On sale: £32.00
Stock ID 13271
