Smaller school room map of South Africa

Method Chromolithograph
Artist George Philip & Son Ltd.
Published Printed in Great Britian by George Philip & Son Limited, London Denoyer-Geppert Company, Chicago, Sole Distributers.. The London Geographical Institute. [n.d. c. 1923]
Dimensions 895 x 1132 mm, 300 x 375 mm
Notes A large folding wall map of South Africa dissected into nine sheets and laid to linen from the Small School-Room Series. Scale 42 miles to the inch.
'Edited by Prof.J.F.Unstead, M.A., D.Sc., & E.G.R.Taylor, DSc.'

Condition: Tear to top left horizontal fold. Slight staining to the edges. Includes the original eye holes for hanging.
Framing unmounted
Price £300.00 On sale: £240.00
Stock ID 36109
